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Jackalope Wine Cellars

Jackalope Wine Cellars 2017 Lago Red

AVP Winery Director & Flaggerdoot Leader

There’s a way you’re supposed to become a winemaker. You’re expected to apprentice in France or Italy, get a graduate degree in oenology, and find a millionaire investor.

Or, if you’re Corey Schuster, you answer an ad on Craigslist for a winery assistant to work on the harvest crew and pour wine in the tasting room.

Fast-forward ten years and Corey now has his own successful label, Jackalope Wine Cellars, and has worked in wineries all over the Willamette Valley.

Corey brings his winemaking — and people-wrangling — expertise to AVP to oversee all winemaking activities as our winery director. And we couldn't be more thrilled!

Jackalope Wine Cellars

Cellar 503 Tasting Notes

Jackalope Wine Cellars, Portland, Oregon
2017 Lago Red

I began my journey in the wine industry pouring for a small, family-owned winery near Salem, OR. My first career was all office work, so when I found myself working in a bucolic setting, the grin didn’t fade for days.

When Fall hit I joined a harvest crew. Harvest work is hard, wet, with long-hours, but ultimately satisfying work. Camaraderie is formed through the suffering, and there is always something new to learn. The first team lunch I had began my love affair with the industry, and wine: a tired, wet, exhausted crew sharing a large meal and a glass, taking a break from the work to regroup and prepare for the afternoon’s tasks. This showed me: the wine industry is about community, and a love of the work, something I’d not experienced before.

Jackalope (n): A mythical creature of North American folklore, a cross between a jackrabbit and antelope.

Chimera (n): A fabulous beast made up of parts taken from different animals or a Dream, fantasy, delusion.

Cousin Ray

For me, the chance to create something, to have an end product I could hold in my hand and share led me to wanting to make my own wine. Further, wine is a social beverage. A wine bottle contains memories, experiences, and love. I want to create this.

Why Jackalope Wine Cellars? The jackalope has been a sort of totem for me for a long time. As a kid, my older cousin would write and send postcards from Nebraska, telling me all about the animal, swearing they were real. These memories formed a bond early, which gave me fond memories to treasure, as he passed away when I was in 8th grade.

Fast forward to 2004: unsatisfied with my life as a civil engineer, I decided to make a drastic change and quit my job, sell my valuables, and travel. My gift to myself to start this journey was a jackalope tattoo on my right shoulder to join me on my adventures.

And now, another turning point in my life: winemaker. The jackalope has become a special form of support for me and I want him featured prominently in this adventure. Thus, Jackalope Wine Cellars.

Thank you for joining me on this journey.

Earthy, savory, black and red berries. A blend of Merlot, Cabernet Franc, and Cabernet Sauvignon.

660 Bottles Produced

Why are our wine club members called the “Flaggerdoot”? Well, a Flaggerdoot is a group of jackalopes, so it seemed appropriate. Who wouldn’t want to be a part of a Flaggerdoot? In sharing this very special limited edition wine with us, we feel like we are all honorary Flaggerdoots this month!

A Cellar 503 selection in July 2024, AVP Wine Collective Columbia Valley | Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot