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Summer Rosé Special
June 2016
When the rain subsides and the sun comes out, we’re all reminded why it is that we live in Oregon.
Here at Cellar 503, we've got something extra special for you this summer -- a special selection of two Oregon rosé wines. Rosés come in all colors and flavors these days. From barely pink to salmon all the way to light red. From the slightly sweet wines to bracing and crisp wines perfect on a hot day.
We’re bringing back our popular special selection of rosé wines – available to members and non-members alike.
For $45, you'll get a one-time shipment of two bottles of awesome Oregon rosé wines. We're excited to bring you a traditional rosé -- a 2015 White Pinot Noir from J.K. Carriere -- as well as a fun and unique 2015 Grenache Rosé from J. Scott
You can order 'em anytime this summer, but when they're gone, they're gone... so don't wait!

We ship to 43 states for just $19.99. If you're in the Portland area, skip the shipping and pick up your wine at our monthly Sip 503 events! ($5 service fee applies.) Learn more about Sip 503 tasting events here!